Our School

Our school caters for approximately 284 children, aged 3-9. Our experienced staff members teach a broad curriculum which includes English, mathematics, science, information communication technology, religious education, design and technology,history, geography, art, music, physical education and French.


The teachers and teaching assistants work closely with parents to ensure that all the children have the best start to their education. Our aim is to establish a good pace for learning whilst enabling each child to achieve their full potential and to feel valued as a person. The very good standards achieved at Whitley Lodge First School were again acknowledged through an Ofsted inspection in June 2012.


“Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are outstanding and they make excellent progress from their starting points. Attainment at the end of Year Two is significantly above average in reading, writing and mathematics. In Year Four it is well above age related expectations in English and mathematics."

We have a strong commitment to inclusive education. We offer five children places in our Additionally Resourced Place Provision [ARP], for children with moderate learning difficulties. We have been awarded the prestigious Inclusion Quality Mark, in 2007, 2009, 2013, 2016 and 2021.



Further to achieving the re-accreditation of the Inclusion Quality Mark in July 2016, in November 2016 we have been awarded the accreditation of 'Centre of Excellence for Inclusion'


See the Inclusion Quality Mark report for July 2021


Whitley Lodge First School has won School Achievement Awards from the DfCSF. We also hold accreditations for the following:

  • Dyslexia Friendly School Award,
  • Active Sports Mark, Healthy School Award,
  • Intermediate and Full International School Awards,
  • FMSIS (Financial Management Standard in Schools),
  • Bronze and Silver Eco-School Awards.
Whitley Lodge First School is a member of the North Tyneside SCITT (School-Centred Initial Teacher training) and is committed to training excellent teachers of the future. The NT 3-7 SCITT was judged by Ofsted as an outstanding provider in 2015.