Curriculum Assessment

Summative assessment (assessment of learning) is used to inform attainment, future planning and set targets.  

At WLFS, summative assessment consists of the following:

  • Foundation Stage Profile
  • KS1 SATS
  • KS1 Y1 Phonic Screener
  • Pre and post assessments: We use ‘cold’ (pre) and ‘hot’ (post) tasks in literacy and mathematics teaching, to provide an assessment of where the children are in their learning, at the start and at the end of a unit of work, to evidence progress and inform both medium and short term planning.
  • ‘I Can’ target statements (used to inform end of term assessments in English and Maths).

We use ‘Cold and Hot Tasks’, in both literacy and mathematics teaching. This provides an assessment of where the children are in their learning, at the start of a unit of work - the ‘cold task’, (completed on blue paper) and to evidence progress at the end of a unit of work - the ‘hot task’ (completed on yellow paper).

Recording and Evidence

  • Information from on-going teacher assessment together with summative assessments, contribute to the attainment information used to track progress.  

At WLFS we ensure that:

    • Progress against key learning intention informs future planning.
    • Pupils are involved in recording comments on their own work.
  • Samples of assessed work exemplify agreed standards and to model success.

Using Assessment Information to Monitor Progress

At WLFS, we use the information to:

  • Use data to identify key learning intentions and to set appropriate targets.
  • Track progress of individual pupils’.
  • Monitor performance of specific groups e.g. Pupil Premium, SEND. 
  • Monitor year on year trends.
  • Use national and local data to provide a comparison with other schools.


Parents need to understand information given to them about their child’s attainment and progress.  

At WLFS, we aim to:

  • Provide reports that outline strengths and indicate areas for development.
  • Provide opportunities for teachers, pupils and parents to talk together.
  • Set targets that are shared with parents.
  • Allow children to contribute to the reporting process.
  • Parents are invited to attend three consultations a year. Parents receive a written report in July, summarising the year’s work and setting targets for the future.  
  • In addition, parents of reception pupils also receive a summary of the Foundation Stage Profile in July. Year 1 parents receive a report of their child’s performance in the statutory Phonics screening and Year 2 receive a summary of National Curriculum attainment.