We are committed to promoting positive mental, physical and emotional wellbeing for all. We strive to provide support for all children, parents, staff and the wider school community through a range of initiatives across the year.
For matters relating to Mental Health and Wellbeing, please contact the school via [email protected]
Below is the presentation from Ailsa Hutchinson and Advanced Occupational Therapist from HIVE and Mental Health Support Team in Schools.
WLFS Mental Health and Wellbeing Presentation
The ICS Child Health and Wellbeing Network (CHWN) have recently launched the Healthier Together website www.nenc-healthiertogether.nhs.uk , followed by a mobile application. The Healthier Together mobile application further enhances and complements the NENC Healthier Together website and system work to reduce anxiety amongst parents of children aged 0-18 years, and avoid unnecessary A&E and GP presentations. It educates and empowers parents to make informed choices of where and when to access the healthcare system.