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Vision and Values

Vision and Values

As a partnership of children, parents, carers, staff, Governors and the wider community, we aim to:

  • provide a happy, safe and supportive environment, in which each child develops to the best of their ability
  • help children to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding through an active, creative and inclusive curriculum
  • foster a lively, enquiring mind in children by stimulating their curiosity and imagination
  • encourage children to become independent learners who make informed choices
  • promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
  • maintain and cultivate a sense of partnership and ownership with parents and the wider local community
  • promote positive values and make sure there are equal opportunities for all
  • celebrate and reward high standards in behaviour including making good choices, doing your best, being kind and supporting each other to be successful.